Membership Application:
In part borrowed from the "Nonviolent" movement Ten Commandments:
You do not have to be a poet to join. Just be of good will and ambition to educate, thus make a difference. If you abide by our commandments, fill out the form and pay the 40$ membership fee, your application is more than accepted.
1. Remember that the "Passion Plan" movement is out to be victorious in educating our community about social issues, not just HIV.
2. Strive to be in good physical and spiritual health, know that this is the only way to be of sound mind to battle a war against ignorance.
3. Believe our fight is righteous and one in which we will win.
4. Pray daily to be used by God in order that all people will be free of ignorance.
5. Give yourself to this cause or any cause that enables you to be selfless.
6. Dedicate your mouth to unleash information to any available and occupied ear.
7. Reluctance in the idea of violence is needed but defense is a human behavior that you must control.
8. Love what you do and be advised that the wicked my not give you recognition.
9. Pain is a part of success, learn to expect it and become numb to its greed.
10. Fear of succumbing to failure is common but uncommon for leaders.
In being a member, you are discounted 50% at the national conference and AIDS Olympics. You also receive a discount 75% on shirts and merchandise. In addition, you receive updates about events and ways on how you can make a change to this vicious cycle of HIV.
Please fill out form and make check of 40$ out to AID Awareness Poets Inc or pay by card below.
Mail to :
AIDS Awareness Poets Inc.
P.O. Box 9751
Ft. Lauderdale Fl, 33310
Credit or Debit Card
(Fee breakdown below)
Membership dues: 10$ (only once)
HIV looks like YOU t-shirt: 10$
Horny Infant Virgin t-shirt: 10$
AIDS Awareness Poet bracelet: 5$
Shipping and Handling: 5$
Total: 40$ (non-refundable)